During 2018 and 2019 I worked in Grenoble, France, advised by Jean-Michel Gérard, Joël Bleuse and Patricia Lustoza de Souza, on microcavity switching. This is the second article published about part of the research I developed there, trying to observe the picosecond time scale events happening during microcavity switching. It was published on APL Photonics on December 10, 2020. The article was selected as the Editor’s Pick!
You can find the accepted manuscript below or get the published version online.
“Copyright 2020 Sattler, T., Torelly, G.M., Peinke, E., Gérard, A., Claudon, J., Bleuse, J., Souza, P.L., Gérard, J.-M.. This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.”